Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

You're not a girl

Dear honey.. I am sory..
i knew that i seems to be so grumpy...
i did it just because i wanna see u can take your own decision..
I just wanna remind u that you are not a girl anymore..
Soon you're gonna be a mother..
You gonna be vice president in a country that we are going to build in our family.. So...
You must have a quick respon in order to help me to solve any problem that we are going to have..
Honey.. Get up.. And be a real woman..
-from u r love-

Rabu, 21 Mei 2008

my Pre Wed

Thanx all the team that took this picture....

You are the pro... :)

thanx my sister Taz...
and Mrs "Cungkring" Maria
that wanna spent her week end
to do this..... :)

that was a beautifull day for us...

thanks agaiin...

Participatory maping in North Sumatra

This are the picture of comunity in North Sumatra
The name of the comunity organization is BPRPI.

The picture shows us how enthusiastic they are
when we tell them how to use Maping tools
in this time we tell them how to use GPS and
how to draw the result of the data they get.
Into a paper (with scale and legend)

the activity can we call as training
this kind of training we ussualy call it
as a participatory maping. Which is an activity of maping
that run by the comunity its self.

so we just train them how to maped their are
and their land.

this way are helpfull for them, in case of any
outsider from any parties wants to do something
with their land.

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008

Relationship and marriage

Relationship and merriage
Is almost the same stage
we have a commitment in it
And we promised each other
We have guts to make it
And we will face it together

But one in particular can make them look so differ
When you put your real love in it
You can feel the different
When you think he or she is the one
You are ready to face the future

July 27th

Dear all the reader of my blog...
This time i just wanna share to you all
That after the proposal on last 20 april 2008...
Finally the day of i am waiting for...
Will come true on july 27 this year...
Now we are preparing all things that we need..
From A to Z... Dear my love..
Please be patient to face all the obstacles that will come to us..
You told me before.. That all the couple thats are going to be marriage are gonna have obstacles that we never thought before..
So honey.. We just have to comunicate it all.. So everything are going to be as smooth as we expect.. Love you honey

Rabu, 26 Maret 2008

Our Special day will happen

Well my love....
Finally... This August we are going to be a husband and wife...

hopes 4JJ I  guide us into the right way
And 4JJ I will always be with us in every single way
that we are going to take..
May all the luck will always be with us...

Than with BISMILLAH we are going to organize it...

together with our family and friends that support us....

Well,  i just have words to express..

My Love...
With you i feel so complete...
With you i feel so special...
with you i feel like i've found a perfect girl, 
that i want her to my wife...
with you i will travel this world and this life...
with you i will spent my life to fulfill my faith to 4JJ I...

may 4JJ I will always be with us....


Rabu, 19 Maret 2008

Senujuh 2006 Compared to Senujuh 2008

These picture are showing the location in the village of Senujuh 
(West Kalimantan)
its showing the condition of the road and the house that seems a lovely village
that arrange with the local wisdom that they convinced
 for generation to generation.
It took on 2006 during my first visit to do a kind a partisipatory maping,  colaboration with sawit watch, lembaga gemawan and lebah nusantara. 
at that time the motorcycle can enter to the village easyly...
even they put it inside of their own house....
(well offcorse we will not find a road as good 
as we find in the city as well)

But if we see the other picture that i took it during my next visit 
to the same location on february 2008,
We can see big diffrence there from the quality of the road... 
there we can see... 
where is the local wisdom that they have in the past....

it was so  horrified for me to see the same Village during my second visit... 
i barely knew it was the same village that i came in 2006...

Wich one do you think is better condition from the picture ive shown you....



every person have their own reason to answer the question....

But one thing to be sure... "Home Sweet Home"....

CIFOR Workshop

CIFOR and CIRAD were having a Regional Worshop
at the Gren Melia Hotel...

The Theme of the Workshop is
Lessons learnt from levellig the playing field Project"

In this Workshop CIRAD and CIFOR cooperate with the university from indonesia (UGM), Malaysia (UPM), and Philippines (UPLB)...

They Presented the Project that they have done together with local people that they bring together with the project.

they visit the local people from each country that they think will represent the
local people it self.
to have a knowledge transfer and transfering information and educated the
local people about their living and their way of living....

i attended the workshop until 13.00, and then i walk to another workshop
that held with "AMAN" and "FWI" in YTKI building...

in that workshop has discussed the program of work that made by "KLH"...
due to the existring and managing the forest in indonesia...

there is a big question there that the program has finished and ready to launch, in fact at the same time there is a meeting in other place that discussed about the launching of this program, while we in here are having a lot of question to them about this program.....

Our Nice Weekend

Here we are...
Spending our weekend just eating and eating....

Its been a long time for us not to spent our time together...
Surely with Foods around Us... (... :-P )...

Finally last weekend we spent our nice weekend together in a PIzza resto, on of famous pizza resto in CITOS...

There we disscused a lot of things about us...

Start from talking about us until the topic about our marriage...

there we feel so complete...

There we feel like a real couple...

Even as a Husband and wife... (not in Physical contact...:-P)

We hope that we can have it again in the next time weekend....

Jumat, 07 Maret 2008

Mega mendung

....TAMAN AER....

located in mega mendung..

This is the place that i spent for my weekend, after my field visit to sambas and senujuh West Kalimantan.

Well at that time we serve all people from SPKS ("Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit") that coming from all over the Province.

"Luckily" at the same time is the holiday, that usually all people from jakarta coming to Puncak to find a lovely view that they never seen in the city...

Tragic.. that i can tell you...
at the one side they all together try to invest their money in a plantation that called "sawit"... but on the other hand they still want to enjoy the view and the moment like in Puncak and others.

mmmmm... so what do you want.... People... ???

This beautiful view soon will going to be the last view if all of the forest that we have in this lovely country converted into oil palm plantation.
This view that i just take from my own camera has no compare at all. If we try to compare it with all that beautiful view that we see everyday in the city.
Indeed its all beauty, but it just a temporary view, and all the view felt like an illusion that we see.

This is the story of Us

This is the picture of us, that taken about 4 years ago.
At that time we just being a couple for about a year...
But there is something between us that make us...
That make us closer than before...
And something that we feel so matching each other...

and we still having it right now...

If there is no other thing that hold us anymore, so next year we are going to have a marriage....