Rabu, 22 April 2009


Those Community were pointing the area that used to be their land to planted crops..
The Company were traying to full fill their demand to have their land back.

In the field we found fact that the land is already planted with oil palm plantation.
so the community ask the company to give their land back.

Its very "HOT" situation at that time, but its could be reduce by willing
to solve the problem between company and community.

The Wedding

This Happy momment finally came true
on Juli 27th 2008....

And she become my lovely wife now....
my wife...
may 4JJ I always guide us...

Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

You're not a girl

Dear honey.. I am sory..
i knew that i seems to be so grumpy...
i did it just because i wanna see u can take your own decision..
I just wanna remind u that you are not a girl anymore..
Soon you're gonna be a mother..
You gonna be vice president in a country that we are going to build in our family.. So...
You must have a quick respon in order to help me to solve any problem that we are going to have..
Honey.. Get up.. And be a real woman..
-from u r love-

Rabu, 21 Mei 2008

my Pre Wed

Thanx all the team that took this picture....

You are the pro... :)

thanx my sister Taz...
and Mrs "Cungkring" Maria
that wanna spent her week end
to do this..... :)

that was a beautifull day for us...

thanks agaiin...

Participatory maping in North Sumatra

This are the picture of comunity in North Sumatra
The name of the comunity organization is BPRPI.

The picture shows us how enthusiastic they are
when we tell them how to use Maping tools
in this time we tell them how to use GPS and
how to draw the result of the data they get.
Into a paper (with scale and legend)

the activity can we call as training
this kind of training we ussualy call it
as a participatory maping. Which is an activity of maping
that run by the comunity its self.

so we just train them how to maped their are
and their land.

this way are helpfull for them, in case of any
outsider from any parties wants to do something
with their land.

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008

Relationship and marriage

Relationship and merriage
Is almost the same stage
we have a commitment in it
And we promised each other
We have guts to make it
And we will face it together

But one in particular can make them look so differ
When you put your real love in it
You can feel the different
When you think he or she is the one
You are ready to face the future

July 27th

Dear all the reader of my blog...
This time i just wanna share to you all
That after the proposal on last 20 april 2008...
Finally the day of i am waiting for...
Will come true on july 27 this year...
Now we are preparing all things that we need..
From A to Z... Dear my love..
Please be patient to face all the obstacles that will come to us..
You told me before.. That all the couple thats are going to be marriage are gonna have obstacles that we never thought before..
So honey.. We just have to comunicate it all.. So everything are going to be as smooth as we expect.. Love you honey